Saturday, July 23, 2011

Secure Company Services

Secure Company Services

Coming Soon!

First Baptist Church of Cleveland

First Baptist Church of Cleveland

First Baptist's website is the largest website I have created. It has close to 40 pages and supports many of the church's ministries such as the children's ministry, student ministry, and music ministry. We are currently in the process of expanding First Baptist's website with podcasts, sermon audio, and sermon video. I have also created multiple networks for First Baptist. A email network that provides access to church members and a text message notify system for parents in the children's ministry. I also operate all of the church's social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Blogger.

Ken Johnson Sportswear

Ken Johnson Sportswear

Ken Johnson Sportswear is the first online store I created. The website is both a regular website informing customers on Ken Johnson's products and is also a store selling some of Ken Johnson's products. The website is about to go under renovation because Ken Johnson has signed contracts expanding his company. Ken Johnson's company was once a hardly online company, but not the company has shifted majority, if not all, of its business online. Ken Johnson recently shut down his Cleveland store because the company is shifting its store online with my web consulting.

Josh Cameron Ministries

Josh Cameron Ministries

My website,, was the first website I ever created in 2008. I created the website to help raise funds for a mission trip I was taking to Tokyo, Japan with iGo Global. Today, I just use the website to help support other ministries such as iGo Global, Compassion International, Acts 29, and many more.